Assess your risk in
SlackGoogle DriveGitHubTeamsZendeskGmailNotionOneDriveJiraBoxBitbucket
How much sensitive data is exposed in your cloud apps? Take the first step toward reducing security risks and preventing data leaks—request a free platform scan.

Cloud data security risk scan
Polymer makes cloud data security simple. Run a fast, free risk scan to learn about your data exposure and security risk in apps like Slack, Google Drive, GitHub, Microsoft Teams, Zendesk, and more.
- Find and flag sensitive data—PHI, PII, and more
- Catalog data within documents shared across the workspace
- Get list of publicly-shared links that contain sensitive information and external users with access (Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive)
- Identify security risks for third-party apps or extensions installed
- Rank employee risk based on sensitive data shared
- Assess your HIPAA, PCI, GDPR, and CCPA compliance
Discover what sensitive data is in your chat, file storage, codebase, and ticketing tools.

Polymer provides us with the flexibility to effectively manage compliance and security parameters, offering unparalleled protection of our customer’s PII data.
John Storozuk
Security Partner, ClickUp

Polymer saves us time and money in satisfying our SOC 2 ongoing monitoring and data privacy guidelines.
Michael Cramer
Head of Product, Routefusion

Our prior solution required 8 hours per week of FTE time to manage alerts. With Polymer, we are down to 0.
Mark Magpayo
Sr. Director of Security Operations, Signify Health

Polymer is giving us 99% accuracy in sensitive data found over SaaS.
Dave Bour
Director of IT & Information Security, Medly